Flexible and simple pricing
Only pay for what you need, when you need it.
7-day free trial
$29 / mo
$26 / mo
Save 10% when billed annually
Perfect for small companies and early startups with a few job offers.
No additional user No additional user
Up to 3 active jobs
7-day free trial
$79 / mo
$71 / mo
Save 10% when billed annually
Designed for growing companies with multiple recruiters involved.
+ $5 / user / month + $5 / user / month
Up to 10 active jobs
7-day free trial
$129 / mo
$116 / mo
Save 10% when billed annually
Designed for high-growth companies that need to streamline their hiring workflow.
+ $10 / user / month + $9 / user / month
Unlimited jobs

Feature comparison

Career site We host a mobile-friendly, multilingual and customizable career site for you.
Job posting Post your jobs to your career site, job boards and social media at the same time.
Candidate management Collect candidate applications from anywhere and easily manage them thanks to our drag-and-drop design.
Communication Candidate messaging from within Zenploy & Email synchronization.
Referrals Let your employees refer people they know and reward them for successful hires.
Interview management Schedule interviews and collect results easily.
Insights Detailed, real-time analysis of your recruiting channels.
Public API Programmatically access your company information, jobs, locations and departments.
24/7 support Round-the-clock customer support by e-mail.
Team management Collaborative recruiting and personalized profiles.
Unlimited openings No limit on the number of active job offers your can have.
Dedicated account manager A member of our team will answer your questions at any time.
Private API Ability to create and manage candidates and applications programmatically.

Common questions

What is a user?

You have the possibilty to invite your entire recruiting team to Zenploy. Paid users will be able to use Zenploy according to the access rights you'll have set. Free users will have limited access that will only let them to make referrals. A user can be removed at any time.

Is there a contract?

No, there is no contract. You are free to upgrade, downgrade or cancel whenever you want. We believe our product is compelling enough to make you stay with us without being forced.

How does free trial work?

The 7-day trial period gives you access to any of our plans for free, however a valid credit card is required to get access to Zenploy during this period. At the end of the free trial, you will be charged for your plan unless you choose not to pursue and cancel your account.

What about privacy?

We care very much about the way your data and those of your candidates is processed and protected. That's why we're GDPR-compliant. You can access, modify and remove your data at any time, the same applies to your candidates.

Do you offer discounts?

We offer discounted pricing to companies that need more than 50 paid users. We encourage you to contact us at business@zenploy.io if that's your case.

What about security?

Your data is safe! We use SSL 256-bit encryption to ensure data is transmitted safely and use Amazon web hosting to store it securely on our servers. Additionally, all credit card data is directly transmitted to our PCI-compliant payment processor and is never stored on our servers.

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Visit our support page too.